Reading Real Ale Trail end date extended

Reading Real Ale Trail end date extended

The Reading Real Ale Trail end date was set as today, Wednesday 8 April 2020. Many people, maybe including you, had not yet completed the trail when the pubs across the UK closed.

The Reading and Mid Berks branch of CAMRA, who organise the Trail, has decided to pause the activity until it is announced that The Retreat and all the other pubs can reopen.

Once this has happened, the Reading and Mid Berks branch of CAMRA will make an announcement relating to the Trail and a new end date, which will be placed on this webpage and on this Facebook page

So in the meantime, please keep your Reading Ale Trail booklets and stickers safe, as you will need them in the (hopefully) very near future.

We are looking forward to seeing you back at The Retreat.

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